More Level Layout

So initially had some redesign ideas that I wanted to incorporate into my level, as such I'm still in the block out stages for the asset placement, Though I can't see this taking much longer as my other modules deadlines are out the way with for now. As such, I might cut the scope of the level down slightly, mainly so I can polish the level completely for final submission, but more so as I may have started too big, I don't want the player seeming to have lulls throughout the level with no enemies to kill, missions to complete and so on.

For this weeks submission I have redesigned the first major scripted event section. I wanted the player to gather another small taste of what's to come, as such I didn't want the player to "keep heading north" through the level so I rearranged the original placement to change the route from the original level plan:

The area above is not accessible to the player, as such I wanted to create a sense of security at the start of the level without there just being void areas. I felt I kept true to the style of the laboratory section with this small addition. Whilst it's not a majorly appealing to the eye, it's meant to keep the play on track throughout the level.

Here is the second section that got a rework from my original design ideas. Using the paint tools I've managed to break up the coloring for the floor sections that were inevitably going to happen throughout the level due to my initial designs being set in one location. I will be implementing an outdoor section among other areas that will break up the sterile feel of the laboratory

A screenshot of this section in its original state can be seen in the older blog posts. The new section also has trigger icons implemented, As I've begun testing and implementing the trigger/scripted events that the player will interact with through the level - These are distinguished via the green markers. 

The next new section proved interesting to create, though it's simple in design and relatively small, I didn't want everything to be experiment focused through the level. Due to this I felt a security section and long corridor would have a better impact and design logic for the upcoming scripted event:

The section is adding on from the first triggered event, as such it will start to set the pace for the rest of the level- "Non Stop Combat!" The area leads off to the left down a long corridor, the trigger event will begin when the player hits the region section - though It can be forced if the player chooses to bypass inspecting/destroying the wall grate. The area above it is showcasing additional narrative, There will be enemies crawling through the ventilation ducts, I've made this easily visible by slightly manipulating the asset from it's originally intended purpose.  

A small gif below to showcase the movement on the enemies through the pipes. This event will begin a generic horde spawn moment, flooding the immediate area of enemies that the player can gun down as I'll be saving some of the more interesting mechanics for the mid/end sections of the level.

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