
Showing posts from 2015

Project Tempest, Final Year Project, ExpoTees and other shenanigans.

So wrapping up my Final Year Project! Alot has been done over the last 2 weeks, WASD is working fluidly, Left Click attack now follows the players cursor properly, scripts are working etc etc etc. Only issue I couldn't solve was the boss mechanics, but I have time for expotees to finish that off. So, to summarize on the project for now: Final year project by Donny Evason for Teesside University. For my final year project I created a total conversion game for Starcraft 2. Utilizing the Galaxy Engine I created a third person, point and click shooter. The player must explore the facility known as Tempest, discover the fate of the laboratory and find any survivors. Collect specimen samples, prototype weapons and battle a variety of laboratory creatures. Project Tempest is designed to be a visually stimulating level, with fast paced combat and a plethora of enemies to fight. I've rendered out a full playthrough video:  sadly the trailer will not be completed until ExpoTees...

Polish, Implementing scripted events, and general ramblings of design ideologies...

Not posted in a while due to crazy work amount and really not too much to show with fixing all the scripting issues that were occurring. Anyway, lots to show and talk about so I created a video for viewing - bare in mind it still has a lot of polish to get it a better working state: Skip to around 1 minute ish mark for gameplay start (I had published the game so I recorded accessing it through the client) On with the ramblings. A few people have tested the map and reported similar issues, the controls being clunky and it being difficult to shoot, though the movement is out of my control due to the engine being an RTS (and my limited coding knowledge) I've forced the movement to work in WASD with W always being North facing in the map etc etc. This works fine, but takes some getting used to for the most part. Some additions have been made for enemy placement and polish to some of the areas with limited assets. I've added additional doodads into make the areas slightly dif...

Scripted Events, Pathing & The Joys of Scripting....

More work has gone into the scripted events and other areas that require attention outside of asset placement and level flow. Firstly point placement and pathing painting for AI/Player character was mostly finished. Whilst most of the assets have some form of collision, it was based around right click movement, due to my WASD controls I don't need to right click (that would usually result in the player not being able to move to a point if a collision is detected) so collision is not picked up on a lot of the assets.  To rectify this I could "paint" the pathing for the player and AI. The red sections on the images are showing the areas the player cannot walk too and the green area allows pathing - The lack of green areas was due to a bounding issue with the map creation, I needed to create an exception area for the player to be able to walk due to unknown reasons the player couldn't walk freely around the area. Points The above image is showcasing some...

Progress Overview - Finalized Level Flow, Asset Placement

A video fly through of the level in its final state, all assets are placed and pacing is set. As such, I'm currently implementing gameplay modules via scripting which I'll talk about in another post.

Project Proposal and Progress Review

Regarding an email sent out, I've compiled the project proposal and progress review below for ease of access. As such, there is a smaller breakdown of the proposal on another blogpost: Proposal: Progress Review (as of November - more has been done since then):

Data Editor, Triggers, Finalizing Layout.

Additional Progress has been made on Project Tempest. Sticking to the schedule I created before Christmas, I'm on track for finalization of the level. As such I've taken the initiative of reducing the level size as it will be a long play through at its current state. I've started to diverge completely from the sterile look of all the previous rooms, as such the narrative is expanding drastically as I thought the level was becoming stale to look at. Here the color palette will change showcasing the darker tones and showcasing the potential hazards that will appear throughout the level from here on out. As the Starcraft 2 assets often feature subtle animations, I feel a small demonstration for the floor, grates and the VFX for the eggs would be fitting. I've started to map out the standard areas that triggered events and scripts will be occurring, these are not visible to the player but will trigger when they step within the zone. I am however, runni...

New Year Update... Additional Gameplay, Levels and Thoughts

Due to the christmas break I wasn't able to work on my Final Year Project, However, it gave me a good amount of time to think of additional designs that I would like to implement within the game/level I am creating. Intially, my first thoughts are to scrap the original control system - WASD movement and hold left click to shoot. Due to having many issues with this, I don't think it will be feasible to get working within my small time frame remaining, I will continue to try to implement it, but for now I will be going for a more traditional approach; Right Click will move the player and holding left click (possibly with a shift modifier to stand still) will continuously shoot. As such, I've started to add additional assets into the level to hopefully finish the whole stage within the next week or two. However, The initial size of my game/level is still too large, so I feel I'll have to do a decent amount of play testing to decide if the size is adequate or not. The ...